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Public Safety Chair Seeks to Increase Officer Standards, Protecting Public from Excessive Force

Consistent with Science, New Standards to Serve As Safe-Guards to Protect the Public

SACRAMENTO, California – (December 7, 2020) – Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-South Los Angeles) has introduced AB 89, The Peace officer Education and Age Conditions for Employment (PEACE) Act, a bill that would require new recruits for police departments and prison guard service obtain a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution or reach age 25 before serving as a

California Police Officers Would Need to be 25 or have a bachelors degree under new proposal

Anyone who wants to be a police officer in California would have to get a bachelor’s degree or turn 25 before starting their careers under a proposed new law.

Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, D-Los Angeles, who planned to introduce the proposal Monday, said the change could help reduce the number of times police officers shoot or hurt people.

“These jobs are complex, they’re difficult, and we should not just hand them over to people who haven’t fully developed themselves,” said Jones-Sawyer, who is chairman of the Assembly Public Safety Committee.

Falsas denuncias de acoso que involucran minorías podrían ser consideradas como crimen de odio racial en California

En redes sociales se han hecho virales algunos videos de personas que llaman a la línea de emergencias 911 para reportar que son víctimas de supuestos ataques solo porque la persona a la que están señalando pertenece a alguna minoría étnica. Para evitar que esto siga sucediendo, se presentó un proyecto de ley que busca castigar a quienes hagan este tipo de acusaciones sin una justificación válida, el cual ya fue aprobado por la legislatura y falta la firma del gobernador Gavin Newsom.